Holistic Wellness

Postpartum Essentials for Mama & Baby

Postpartum Essentials for mom and baby 2024 registry
I'm Kate

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I’m often asked the question “what are postpartum essentials? There are too many choices.”

Contrary to popular belief- you do NOT need all the things…

I remember the bags of beautifully wrapped presents and couldn’t wait to see what was inside. At the time, I loved everything so much and was grateful for the gifts.

Two and a half years postpartum, I still have unopened newborn swaddles, bath toys, lotions, and potions. I found myself with all of this extra ‘stuff’ that I never used and eventually threw away or donated. After talking with several mom friends we all noticed we didn’t use the exact same things. I guess that’s marketing at it’s finest.

Don’t Let Great Marketing Beat You

Google and Instagram did a great job at targeting me during pregnancy. I was constantly targeted by ads and posts that this shiny new thing was something ‘I had to have.’ Truthfully, I gobbled it right up.

Most of the items we deem necessities, for both ourselves and our baby, are actually nice-to-haves but aren’t necessary. 

As a mother who believes less is more (while still enjoy the fruits of life) here are my top recommendations for postpartum essentials. I consider these to be important to have for the postpartum mother and her newborn child. 

Postpartum Essentials for Mom

Nursing Pads

Bamboobies Nursing Pads Postpartum Essentials

If you are choosing to breastfeed then having nursing pads is pretty crucial – in my opinion. Especially in those early week and months when you’re not used to lactating. It can feel like you turned on a faucet and you can’t figure out how to stop the leaking.

I remember those nights that I would forget to put in my nursing pads, I’d wake up to a soaked nursing bra and sheets. These help you avoid that awkward leakage while you are out and about trying to fit in with your friends at a nice restaurant. 

I would wear nursing pads 24/7 in those early days so that’s why I deem this a postpartum essential item. There are several types, and brands, but I recommend getting organic cotton or bamboo if you can since you don’t want synthetic material that close to your breasts.

Heating Pad

Heating Pad Postpartum Essentials

Heating pads are amazing during anytime of your life. Especially postpartum to help with the soreness after a vaginal or cesarean birth. I love this one because it does not require an outlet. You can lay on your couch cord-free. Simply pop it into the microwave and place it under your sits bones, over your lower belly, or even your shoulders when your neck is sore. 

You can use a heating pad anywhere from 10-30 minutes. If you start to notice an increase in bleeding after use then discontinue for a few days and try again.

Vitamin E Oil

Organic Vitamin E Oil for Cesarean Birth

Vitamin E oil is a postpartum essential for mothers that had a cesarean birth. I too had a belly birth and experienced no issues with recovery because I was very intentional about how I supported myself after major abdominal surgery. It’s recommended to take it extremely easy on yourself those first few weeks postpartum and limit excessive movement or exercise.

Once your wound has fully closed, and you have been cleared by your doctor, you can begin gently massaging Vitamin E oil on the suture site. Vitamin E oil is amazing for wound healing and scar reduction. By gently massaging the oil above, below, and over the incision site you are gently breaking up scar tissue. Find a high quality oil where Vitamin E is the only ingredient other than a carrier oil to ensure it’s potency is high.

Lactation Tea

Lactation Tea Postpartum Essentials

If you decide you’d like to breastfeed there may be hiccups along the way. Some women experience a low supply, over supply, their milk may be too thick, or experience mastitis. There are many wonderful herbs that you can use to increase breastmilk production including fenugreek, shatavari, and fennel.

Choosing a well designed tea is important because you can incorporate other herbs for blood nourishing, relaxation, and digestion. If you have an oversupply then sage or peppermint might be more appropriate. It’s important to work with a professional that can assist you with choosing the right tea blends if you are experiencing any issues with breastmilk production.

If you are interested in custom tea blends for increasing milk production, decreasing milk production, inflammation, relaxation, or detoxification then please email be at kate@solbloom.co

Postpartum Essentials For baby

Jojoba oil for infant massage

Jojoba oil infant massage

Infant massage has been proven by mothers all over the world to help babies with sleep and relax along with supporting their nervous system due to the loving touch. If your baby is experiencing colic or painful gas you can rub their belly in clockwise circles to help alleviate the pain. It’s also said to be helpful for building strong and healthy bones.

Using high quality and organic oils for infant massage has so many incredible benefits. I personally recommend this unrefined organic jojoba oil from Mountain Rose Herbs.

Warm the oil before using so it is comfortable on your baby’s skin. Also, let this feel intuitive. While there is a method that can be taught this is an incredibly loving time to connect with your baby so don’t overthink it. 

Vitamin D Drops

Wellements Vitamin D drops for breastfeeding mothers

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin your baby needs during their first year of life. If you are breastfeeding then you will need to supplement with Vitamin D.

Vitamin D promotes bone growth and overall wellbeing. I personally love, and use, Wellements products for my little girl because they are great quality and organic. I use several of their other products such as baby gripe water, baby tooth oil (amazing for teething), and their multi-vitamin

Electric Nail Trimmer

Baby electric nail trimmer

A newborn’s nails are super sharp, and they grow incredibly fast. A lot of the time mama’s cover their baby’s hands with mittens so they won’t scratch their face. I love my electric nail trimmer and still use it 2.5 years postpartum. It gets the job done in half the time as it would a manual nail trimmer. Trust me – this gadget is worth it!

Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Shampoo & Wash

Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Wash Postpartum Essential

Your skin is your largest organ and is the first line of defense from exposure to chemicals and pollutants. I see so many nasty baby bath washes on the market with tons of chemicals and fragrance.

Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Shampoo and Wash is the only thing I use on my daughter. Personally, I rarely used soap on my baby during her first 6 months. Even now I only use soap on her privates and hands unless she’s really dirty or slathered in sunscreen. I think we tend to overdo it on washing baby’s skin and this can lead to dry skin, ezcema, or rashes.

Be weary of the products you put on your baby’s skin. It’s incredibly delicate and everything that goes on their skin goes directly into their bloodstream.  

Postpartum Essentials Conclusion

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with the need to have it all during postpartum, instead, buy less. I promise that once you give birth and you really need something, you can overnight an Amazon package. Save your money and focus on what you truly value.

I hope you enjoyed my top four postpartum essentials for both mom and baby.

If you have any postpartum essentials you can’t live without then leave a comment below! I’d love to know your favorites!

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Hi love, I'm Kate.
Your Advocate & Soul Sister.

I invite you to lean in and discover the deepest depths of your soul so you can bloom into the truest version of yourself. You will learn, and live, wise Mother Nature knowledge so you can fill your cup and pass this on to your family, your child and so on.  

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