TMJ, which stands for Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is seen as a Pitta imbalance in the eyes of Ayurveda. When the TMJ is not aligned properly it can lead to severe or dull pain and constant discomfort. While there is a lot of Western remedies for TMJ there are also wonderful Ayurveda remedies for TMJ that may address the root cause more deeply.
Like I mentioned, TMJ is a Pitta imbalance. If we take a step back and look at the qualities of Pitta a few of them are hot, sharp, and spreading. Pitta is intense and so is TMJ. TMJ is often the aftermath of teeth grinding but not always! A sinus headache can ‘spread’ to the jaw area causing loads of tension. Here are a few of my favorite Ayurvedic remedies for TMJ.
My Favorite Ayurveda Remedies for TMJ

Oil Pulling
The practice of oil pulling is quite easy and has many great benefits. Oil pulling is a simple practice you can add into your morning routine. After tongue scraping, brushing and flossing your teeth, you can then begin oil pulling. Take about 1/2 -1 tbsp of sesame or coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Oil pulling is like a workout for the mouth but as you are swishing the oil around from side to side, and up and down, it will begin to loosen up the jaw. While you are oil pulling you can apply your products, get dressed, or feed the dog! Or is that just me? You only need to oil pull once a day and its best to spit the oil out in the trash can.
A few side benefits of oil pulling is that is pulls out toxins from the mouth, whitens your teeth, and freshens your breath! If you tend to have more Vata or Pitta qualities try using an organic sesame oil because it is more heating. If you run more on the Pitta side then use coconut oil which is more cooling.
My favorite is the Daily Swish Oil from Banyan Botanicals because it has both sesame and coconut oil steeped in refreshing herbs. Use code Solbloom15 for 15% off your total purchase.
Herbs that relieve intensity in the body are great to bring in when working with TMJ. Ayurvedic herbs such as skullcap naturally relieve tension in the body which are caused by the mind. Swirling thoughts can manifest as TMJ or tension. Make a lovely skullcap tea with perhaps chamomile or holy basil. These herbs have wonderful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
TMJ Tea Recipe
- 1 tbsp skullcap
- 1 tbsp chamomile
- 1 tbsp holy basil
- Combine, pour 4 cups of boiling water over the herbs. Let steep covered for 15-20 minutes, strain, and enjoy!
Ginger Tea
Ginger is wonderful at reducing inflammation and ama (toxins) in the body. If you follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle, ginger is often used in recipes and teas, and for a good reason! Since TMJ is associated with the Pitta dosha I recommend using fresh ginger in this situation. Fresh ginger is heating but not as hot as powdered ginger. Just be careful to not over-do it! If you notice excess Pitta symptoms after drinking ginger tea then it may be too heating for you at this time.
Ginger tea sipped during the morning hours before 11am is a great way to jump start digestion and also reduce inflammation in the body.
Ginger Tea Recipe
- Cut 2 slices of ginger
- Pour 2 cups of boiling water over them.
- Cover and let steep for 20 minutes. Enjoy!
Yoga Nidra
TMJ can sometimes be a symptom of too much heat or intensity in the mind. Your swirling and hyper-active thoughts begin to manifest as tension which shows up in the physical body.
One of my favorite ways of finding relaxation is yoga nidra. I love to practice yoga nidra during the afternoon between 1-4pm when my mind is usually at it’s height of burnout. This is also the Pitta & Vata time of day.
There is so much research coming out about yoga nidra and all of it’s incredible benefits. Check out this podcast by Andrew Huberman, a Stanford neuroscientist, who practices yoga nidra daily to enhance focus and reduce stress.
Essential Oils
I mentioned that TMJ is associated with Pitta and Pitta needs to be cooled down! It’s fiery and intense. During the day diffusing essential oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint will help bring a cooling and clearing quality. If you consider the qualities of TMJ they are hard, dense, and spreading so bringing in qualities that provide clearing and spaciousness will help to reduce TMJ tension.
I hope this article brought you some idea for healing TMJ holistically. If any of the Ayurveda remedies for TMJ worked for you then leave a comment below or message me on Instagram!
Ayurveda Consultations
Kate Lumpkin offers 1:1 Ayurveda consultations globally. You can find her list of services here!
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